From Jim Leonard (trixter -at- Here you go. I made these myself, and made sure to flex all of the PCX format's CGA attributes. These all load perfectly under *REAL* PC Paintbrush 4.0 in DOS on a CGA card, so if your decoder screws it up, it's the fault of your decoder! They are: CGA_FSD.PCX Standard lightcyan-lightmagenta-white palette (intensity bit set) with black background. When most people think of CGA, they're thinking of this. CGA_TST1.PCX Different palette (intensite bit NOT set) and different background color. If you can read the text inside the box at the bottom, your decoder is shite :-) CGA_RGBI.PCX Less commonly-used lightred-lightgreen-yellow palette (intensity bit set) with a blue background. CGA_BW.PCX 640x200 B&W pic in case he didn't have a sample. Most PCX decoders handle this just fine.